Kumamoto University Summer Program 2018 for Undergraduate Students

DEADLINE: May 11, 2018.
Edulantern.com - College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies at Kumamoto University offers Summer Program for international students who have an interest in studying abroad in Japan and experience life as an international student at Kumamoto University. Kumamoto University Summer Program offers two courses to participants: an English Course (conducted in English) and a Japanese Course (conducted in Japanese). English Course will be started from July 18 - July 27 2018 (10 days), while Japanese Course will be started from July 31 – August 9 2018 (10 days).

Kumamoto University Summer Program 2018 for Undergraduate Students

Kumamoto University, with educational excursions around Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan

Each course of the Summer Program has its own study theme. For the English Course, the theme is “Environment and Sustainable Energy.”  For the Japanese Course, the theme is “Japanese Language and Culture”

Participation in this program is open to students who:
1. are undergraduate students studying at universities with which Kumamoto University has agreement for academic or student exchange
2. have English language proficiency equal to or greater than IELTS level 5 (English Course only)
3. have Japanese language proficiency equal to or greater than JLPT N3 (Japanese Course only)
4. have not previously participated in any of Kumamoto University’s Summer or Spring Programs

Program Fee:

English Course: 100,000 Japanese Yen
Japanese Course: 100,000 Japanese Yen
- includes accommodation, class fees, field trip fees, and breakfast.
- Does not include the cost of transportation to or from Japan, the cost of transportation within Japan, or the cost of meals (other than breakfast) during the program.

Participants in the English Course of the Summer Program may apply for a scholarship of 80,000 Japanese Yen, provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and Kumamoto University. Students must meet the following conditions to be eligible for the scholarship:
1. Only students from the following countries are eligible to apply: Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Nepal, Cambodia.
2. Have a GPA greater than or equal to 2.3
3. Scholarship recipients may not receive any other scholarships for this program which exceed 80,000 Japanese Yen.
4. Scholarships will be awarded based the home university’s recommendation.

How to Apply:
Please request the international office of your university to submit your application by email by May 11, 2018. Please be sure to include a copy of your passport and your academic record (Scholarship applicants only) from your previous year.

Application Form

Scholarship Link

College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies, Kumamoto University
2-40-1, Kurokami, Chuo-ku
Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
Tel: +81-96-342-2091
Fax: +81-96-342-2130
E-mail: coe@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Labels: Japan, Summer Programs, Youth Activities

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